Skills Progression Skills progression documents



We have carefully mapped out our curriculum to ensure that pupils receive a balance of substantive and disciplinary knowledge, sequenced effectively. Please see our Progression Statement to show how we define substantive and disciplinary knowledge in each subject.

For every subject, we have carefully mapped out the skills that pupils should acquire during each year group which will allow them to progress successfully through the school. Skills are built on from the EYFS Curriculum through to the end of Year 6 to ensure learning is progressive and pupils consistently have the opportunity to revisit skills learnt in previous year groups and connect new knowledge to this knowledge.

The documents below map out and provide clarity on the expectations for different year groups and highlight how the learning progresses as pupils move through the school.

Art Progression of Skills

Computing Progression of Skills

DT Progression of Skills

Geography Progression of Skills

History Progression of Skills

Maths Progression of Skills

MFL – Spanish – Progression of Skills

Music Progression of Skills

PE Skills Progression

PSHE & RSE Progression of Skills

RE Progression of Skills

Reading Progression of Skills

Writing Progression of Skills

With the new Early Years Foundation Stage Profile being released for 2021, we have rewritten our Early Years Skills Progression Documents to ensure they are as up to date and relevant as possible. These are used across our Early Years Setting for pupils in Nursery and Reception

CL Skills Progression

EAD Skills Progression

Literacy Skills Progression

Maths Skills Progression

PD Skills Progression

PSED Skills Progression

UW Skills Progression
